来源:光大银行 小编:朱岳 发布时间:2013年03月06日
内容导读: 近期,光大银行在阳光理财·资产配置平台中,悉心构建了一个功能强大的分析系统金融智库,它不仅能帮助投资者轻松而深入地理解多种资产管理类投资产品,还提供了从“产品海选”开始的全程化投资决策支持。
Everbright bank investment analysts "financial think tank"
Recently, everbright bank in sunshine platform for financial management, asset allocation, carefully built a powerful financial analysis system, a think-tank, it can not only help investors easily and in-depth understanding of a variety of asset management class, investment products, also provide audition "product" from the start of the whole course of the investment decision-making support.
According to introducing, everbright bank is adopted in the financial, a think-tank, four financial products analysis module, respectively for funds, Banks, asset management, private equity fund collection class finance, brokerage asset management plan, to provide customers with a variety of to conduct in-depth analysis of product information, so that customers can be efficient in their product categories of concern to unearth.
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