来源:我爱卡 小编:李凯旋 发布时间:2013年08月23日
内容导读: 光大银行信用卡积分兑换规则是什么?光大信用卡积分怎样兑换?便于卡友更好的利用光大信用卡积分,下面我爱卡小编就光大信用卡积分兑换规则介绍一下。
China Everbright Bank credit card points exchange rules
China Everbright Bank credit card points for what are the rules? Everbright credit card points how to change? Easy to use Everbright credit card points card better, I love card Xiaobian Everbright credit card points exchange rules introduce.
Detailed rules for integral exchange activities:
A, valid period
1, China Everbright Bank credit card bonus points are valid for 5 years, not permanent integral way. Card expires continued after the card, can continue to use the exchange integral gift.
2, the integral exchange handbook will be updated regularly, please cardholders always pay attention to my line integral exchange website publicity materials, the latest announcement.
Two, integral scope
Cardholders use the China Everbright Bank credit card in addition to real estate transactions, automobile sales and trading, wholesale trade, public hospitals, public school transaction transaction, charity and social service trade, government service trade not integral calculation, the other can obtain integral.
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